Klaus Hammermüller
Technical Manual
for Skid Version 2.0.8
Technical Manual
for Skid Version 2.0.8
This paper is the technical documentation of the Java
object-broker called "Skid" used in the
Asgaard-framework built on pure Java components. The focus
is having transparent persistent Java beans without the need of a
proprietary enterprise server. "Skid" collaborates
potentially with every SQL-server. We implemented a JDBC flatfile
- driver as well as mySQL, Oracle has been also successfully
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1 Overview
What is Skid?
Skid is a collection of pure Java-classes
implementing an object broker for bean-based data-objects
implementing the RemoteBean interface for distributed
Features of data objects implementing the RemoteBean
- Transparent persistence for data objects;
- Implementation of a special kind of relationship called
"link" between data objects to load objects at runtime which
are explicit called dynamically;
- Searching for data objects about a automatically generated keyset intuitive filter classes;
- Implementation of an explicit event-log to enable
Features of the object broker implementing the RemoteBroker
- Transparent local or remote service for distributed
application using the RMI mechanism;
- The broker can be accessed remotely using the
- Encapsulation from different database server using an
flatfile-driver if no database-server is available;
- Zero administration of the Skid-server using the
Log-server for Backup and service-messaging.
1.2 Limitations
Things which will be done soon:
- Implementing multi-threading to enable an multi-user
- Adding more primitive Beans to the asgaard.lang
- Redesign integrating bean- and link-filter to a common
Things which will be done by the implementation of the
- Increacing the efficientsy of the log/backupstatements
implementing an automated recover- and replication mechanism;
- Using an zip mechanism to tune performance;
- Implementing more complex filter-conditions explorating
the needs by Banshee and adding the BEAN table as common root in all filter queries;
- Implementing an caching algorithm ensuring automated
Some other things:
- multi-language support for beans (implemented in the
banshee package)
2 Install Skid
2.1 Distribution
The Distribution is under GNU public license Version 2
http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html, there is absolutely NO
WARRANTY on this software.
A complete Distribution contains on the following parts:
- packages asgaard.lang, asgaard.skid, asgaard.skid.resource;
- SimpleText flatfile JDBC driver;
- a mySQL JDBC driver;
- the packages of the Log-server asgaard.utils.log,
asgaard.utils.encode and asgaard.utils.mail;
- the asgaard.util.test package;
- Suns JavaMail 1.1 classes (optional by the use of the Log-server).
- this document Asgaard/doc/asgaard/skid;
- the binary distribution bin/skid;
- guided by the installation install/skid;
- the sources Asgaard/src/asgaard/skid;
- and API documentation in
2.1.2 Log Server
Optionally you may install the Log-server package. All binaries
necessary for the logging mechanism are coming with this
distribution from Skid and are running automatically. If
you want to read more about the logging mechanism you have to have
a look at the complete Log-server distribution.
2.1.3 Test-Scripts
Skid has a built in testing mechanism to ensure that the
complete functionality is working as specified. All code for local
as well as remote test-runs are coming with this Skid
distribution. If you want to know more about the test mechanism
you have to have a look at the complete Test-script
distribution. How to run the test is described in section
2.1.4 JDBC-driver
Skid support all level 4 JDBC driver to enable the physical
storage in any SQL-Server. If no database server is available the
ASCII-flatfile driver SimpleText (see next subsection) is
used to create a local database automatically. Due performance
impacts for bigger data-volumes a remote server is recommended.
This implementation has been tested with the free database-server
mySQL (see www.mysql.com) which is available for different
platforms. Also Oracle SQL server had been tested successfully in
prior versions of this distribution. To support different
SQL-dialects all needed SQL syntax is defined in a Ressource-class
in the asgaard.skid.ressource package which can be
maintained easily.
2.1.5 SimpleText
This is an ASCII flatfile JDBC driver from
http://www.thoughtinc.com which is used to generate the log-file
and the database if no database-server is available.
Copyright: (C) 1997 THOUGHT Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright: (C) 1996 Karl Moss. All rights reserved.
You may study, use, modify and distribute this example
for any purpose, provided that this copyright notice
appears in all copies. This example is provided WITHOUT
WARRANTY either expressed or implied.
The mail-capabilities to inform automatically about failures
insist the packages mail.jar and activaion.jar from
SUN's free 1.1 Mail-Distribution which is available at
2.2 Installation
Please follow the instructions on
install/skid/index.html or the following descriptions:
You must have at least JDK1.1.6 from JavaSoft or compatible Java
environment at the Server you want to run Skid. In the rest of
this page we assume that the Java interpreter (java) is installed
correctly and available in your path. Native-code compilations of
Skid are planned, but not implemented yet.
2.2.1 Install a database server (optionally)
- Install a SQL-server, follow the instructions for that
software. Additionally get a level 4 JDBC driver for that
server. We choose the mySQL server.
- Create a user. In mySQL, make sure that a separate user
has been created for remote access over the net. The FAQ gives
an example of this (you can set varying degrees of abilities -
such as querying, inserting, deleting, creating, etc.) e.g.
$ mysql mysql
mysql> insert into user values ('%', 'name', password('[a password]'),
'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
mysql> quit
$ mysqladmin reload
See also: mySQL-Manual 6.4 Adding new user privileges to MySQL
Note: This is a very priveleged user - you should specify 'N' to many of the above!
This user has to be named when you start Skid (see command line parameters in section
- Create the database (in our case named ßkid") in mysql (if it doesen't exist already). e.g.
$ mysqladmin create skid # (skid is our database - name)
The Database is created as a subdirectory from the installation path e.g. mysql/data/skid.
- Add JDBC-Driver If you aren't using the release Java 1.1 jdk, then make sure you have
downloaded and installed the latest JDBC implementation (version 1.22). See
- The driver is loaded dynamically. If the driver is following the default syntax, the name of the
driver and the location of the server should be enough information (see command line parameters in section
). If not you may have to modify the source-code in the
asgaard.skid.Skid class.
2.2.2 Skid installation
The following packages (Java-Bytecode) have to be copied to the
server-machine and added to the CLASSPATH. If you habe chosen an
other database than we, ensure that you are using the right
- The Skid classes which are coming in skid.jar and
- The SimpleText.zip ASCII flatfile JDBC driver;
- The test.jar package (optional: only
necessary for test-runs);
- The JDBC-driver for the remote server (optional: if any);
- javamail 1.1 (optional: only nessecary with local LOG and used
MAIL-OPTION): the packages activation.jar and mail.jar;
3 Running Skid
3.1 Command-Line Parameter
The remote Skid-server Log is started with a Java
virtual machine like
java asgaard.skid.Skid
Command line parameter are -hpPFLHMTDCUWmlt:
-h print this help message
-pP <propertyfile> alternative path for the skid file
-pF <DBpath> local directory if using a flatfile database
-pL <LOGpath> local directory to write the LOGFILE
-pH <mail HOST> used mailer (local log only)to
-pM <mail CC> cc mailed statements (local log only)
-pT <mail TO> mailed statements to (local log only)
-pS <LOGserver> remote LOGSERVER
-pK <LOGsize> mail if the Logfile extends <LOGsize>kb
-l<statement> log created statements up to this level
-m<statement> mail created statements (local log only)
0 process no statements
1 process security statements
2 process error statements
3 process warning statements
4 process remark statements
5 process backup statements
6 process debug statements
-pD <JDBC-drivername> e.g. oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
-pC <connectstring> e.g. jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host>:<port>:<database>
-pU <connectuser>
-pW <connectpassword>
-t runs the testscript
The parameter are not stored, so need to be specified on every
start. To store the settings edit the .property file in the
root directory of Skid. Additional reading of the
Log-server are recommended.
Before starting the Skid-server the rmiregistry must
be started to establish the RMI name-service.
3.2 Testing the Skid-Installation
To start Skid type
java -cp skid.jar;utils.jar;test.jar;SimpleText.zip asgaard.skid.Skid -t
java -cp skid.jar;utils.jar;test.jar;SimpleText.zip asgaard.skid.TestSkid <host>
First statement starts the registry, the second one a local
instance of the Skid server and the last does a remote test
of the remote Skid interface. For <host> insert the
IP-adress of the host where Skid is running.
3.3 Starting Skid
A complete command-line call could look like:
java -cp skid.jar;utils.jar;mysql.jar;activation.jar;mail.jar;SimpleText.zip
-pD org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver
-pC jdbc:mysql://<host-IP>:<port>/skid
-pU <username>
-pW <password>
4 Integrate the BeanBroker into sources
The use of Skid is implemented in one class named
BeanBroker. For more detailed information please have a look at
the javadoc-documentation.
4.1 Usage of Skid - components
BeanBroker broker = new BeanBroker(); // a new broker
// (one per VM)
SkidBean b = new SkidBean(); // instanciates a new Bean (1)
b.setXXX(); // sets properties
b.getXXX(); // get properties
b.undo(); // undo changes
// if in setXXX
SkidBean.modify(); // was implemented
b.flush(); // stores changes explizit
BeanLink[] l = b.getLink(); // all links of this bean
SkidBean b2 = l[i].getTo(); // get the connected Bean
// with the rekursion Bean/Link
// all data in the DB is available (2)
SkidBeanFilter f = b2.getFilter(); // 2nd possibility to (3)
// find beans
f.setFilterEntry("Vorname", "Klaus", FILTER_EQ); // def.
SkidBean[] b3 = f.getBeans(); // get the search result
BeanLinkFilter f2 = l.getFilter(); // same thing for links
b.addEvent( b2 ); // create an event (-> PUSH)
b.suscribeEvent(); // suscribe a type of Event
SkidEvent[] e = b.getEvent(); // get the events (4)
- If the generation of a subclass from SkidBean is not possible, there is the
interface RemoteBean and the container class SkidBeanContainer. A special class is the
Definition, a "lightweightclass"which carries only a
- Links are implemented because normal handles to
other objects are stored automatically (if not declared
transient). To operate within a huge amount of objects
there is the need to load only objects which are actually needed
for processing an operation, links are an explicite
mechanism to septerate different objects holding their
- Every bean is analyzed automatically. The getXXX methods
are used to generate (numerical) keys which are stored within
a keytable. Every table carries only the new keys of the class.
If only fore some general properties are asked (e.g. "name")
instances from different classes may be with the resultset;
- This "manual" event-mechanism shall avoid from an
event-avalance. They are explicitely generated by objects and
can be suscribed from other objects to implement an
push-mechanism carrying relevant information to an
interested user automatically.
4.2 UML - Model of the Skid-Components
A overview about all classes from package asgaard.skid is
given by Figure . A short intro in the outlined classes:
Figure 1: Class diagram from package asgaard.skid
- An implementation of RemoteBean is able to access most of the
functionality and is the precondition to make an object persistent;
- The BeanBroker is the central manager of all beans but works
transparent for the user (for use it only has to be instanciated
- Skid wrappes the SkidBroker as remote server;
- SkidBeanFilter is the carrier of a more complex
search for a bean;
- SkidLink models the relationship between
RemoteBeans with explicite access (no automated loading into
the VM).
To create the stub classes the remote asgaard.skid.Skid and
asgaard.skid.SkidBean class has to be compiled with the
rmic compiler too.
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