TestScript-Parser Version 1.0.0

programmed by Klaus Hammermüller with the Asgaard-project.

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This is about a "TestScript-Parser" which generate unit-test-statements for Java from an XML-file. This tool is used in the Asgaard-framework built on pure Java components. The focus to haveing an automatic test-environment which guarantees the consistence of the developed software within a daily built.

Why testing?

From our experience we can say that software which does not include testing does not work. Strictly speaking, even testing is not enough. To find bugs as early as possible you have to run a whole set of tests as often as possible and therefore you need automatic support. The aim is to run the tests at least on a daily basis; in return you will have a guaranteed running software everyeevening.

What is a Test-Script?

A Test-script is a collection of test statements. Each statement is a method-call of an object or class. There are tree aspects monitored:


These test-scripts can not: A special set of functional tests are implemented by Robert Kosara in order to do regression tests on dynamic web-pages. These tests are a separate package. A classic test-environment for functional tests "input-file : call : output-file" has not been implemented yet.


Testscripts are easy to use and are defined in XML. (More about XML is with www.ibm.com/developer/xml), here you can see an easy example-test-statement:

<construct test="newString1" class="java.lang.String">
<object class="java.lang.String">"Just some string"</object>

This test-statement creates simply a string. This "Just some string" is available under the name newString1 for any further test-statements.

For some more challenging examples click here.

Download Distribution

Complete Distribution

The Distribution is under
GNU public license Version 2; there is absolutely NO WARRANTY on this software.

A complete distribution contains one compressed zip-archive

test.zip 1.0.0a final release

Documentation Only

For a more detailed online documentation click here and there is also a printable version in pdf.



Sorry, there is no support on this software yet, but feel free to send all your remarks, bug-reports and ideas to klaus@ifs.tuwien.ac.at. I hope that this piece of software will help you.